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Current Owners: David (far left), and Maria (Mid-Right), and their daughters Anna (Mid-Left) and Demi Jai (Right)
Company History

Hollis and Parrish Store was a thriving business in the early days. Captain Hollis settled near Sharon after the Civil War and taught school a few years, before opening the general store alongside John Parrish in 1878. It certainly was a general store carrying everything from hardware to millinery and must have been on of the best stores in the area, from all accounts. The date, 1893, is cast in the iron work at the door on Main Street and is the date the current building was erected.
Front of Hollis & Parris Store in 1901
Mr. Lon Harkey, from Sidonia, was the next owner and he operated for many years with Tansil Moore as his partner until Moore's untimely death in 1934. Burney Harkey was the only child of Lon and his wife, Leila, and upon his partnership with his father, he brought the store into a new age that matched perfectly to the stores timeless respect. He introduced many successful lines to the store such as General Electric Appliances and top quality furniture to their customers.

Christmas Eve at Harkey's Hardware

After his untimely death, the business was sold to a newcomer from Louisiana by the name of George Brussard and his wife Glenda. They operated it until pressures from other interests prompted them to sell to Danny and Dianne Lackey.
Inside of store after delivery of GE Appliances
Their family has owned and operated the store since then under the small-town value of "servicing what we sell" and the store's current management team is their son, David, and his wife, Maria, along with their two daughters, Demi Jai and Anna.
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